+44 (0) 7771 714506


Capital Markets Masterplan

ACP advises local and provincial Governments in the process of building an economic, financial and commercial environment suitable for the efficient operation of capital and commodity markets and financial centres. This sets up the environment necessary for new and established exchanges and financial centres to flourish.


Market Design and Development

ACP offers a comprehensive market design and development service. Wholesale markets and exchanges can serve a variety of functions related to marketing, finance and risk management. They can enhance market efficiency by helping to match supply and demand of commodities, even over time and geographic distances. ACP staff have design equity, commodity, and token-based markets around the World.


Contract/Product Design

ACP can advise on product selection and development which is one of the most important areas when establishing a new market/exchange. Product development involves knowing and understanding the methods used for producing, transforming, transporting, consuming and trading the physical products in the various markets, looking for inefficiencies and gaps in existing markets.


Clearing and Settlement

ACP can advise on the appropriate clearing and settlement structure from a basic clearing/settlement model to a full central counterparty (CCP) clearing house service, including whether to build from the ground-up or integrate with an existing CCP. ACP can manage all aspects of the design, development and implementation of clearing and settlement services, including the development of clearing rules to ensure adherence to both domestic and international regulatory framework; the implementation of best practices for operational and settlement processes.


International Marketing and Representative Office

ACP can provide a representative office in London covering the whole of the UK and the European Union, EU, (and further afield including the USA and Africa if required).  This office would represent the interests of the institution to the London and EU financial industry, regulators and Governments.  ACP would meet industry and other contacts requested or suggested by the institution.


IT Systems Strategy and Implementation

ACP has worked with all levels of IT systems for exchanges, clearing houses and other capital markets infrastructure.  The projects have ranged from implementing a simple but appropriate Microsoft Excel based trading Solution to implementing a complete, global e-trading system for one of the World’s largest commodity and derivatives exchange. We ensure that the right IT solution for the client is delivered at the correct cost and timescale.



Training and development is often the most effective way of unlocking the potential of both companies and individuals. Whether it is formal training courses, briefing sessions or executive coaching ACP has the experience, knowledge and commitment to increase your company’s competitiveness. Courses ranging from off-the-shelf courses to advanced tailor-made bespoke courses covering all aspects of capital and commodity market operations.


Interim Management

When setting up a new venture, initial operations can often be delayed by the need to identify and recruit the right senior managers. ACP interim managers provide independent non-executive directors, senior management or technical managers who are experts in their field. Their purpose is to effect change and roll out processes which they can then leave once local managers have been recruited.

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